

一些名词 #

MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) #

the maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the size of the largest protocol data unit (PDU) that can be communicated in a single network layer transaction. ——from wiki

MTU 物理接口(数据链路层)提供给其上层(通常是IP层)最大一次传输数据的大小。一般来说MTU=1500byte。如果MSS + TCP首部 + IP首部 > MTU,那么IP报文就会存在分片,否则就不需要分片。

MSS (Maximum Segment Size) #

The maximum segment size (MSS) is a parameter of the options field of the TCP header that specifies the largest amount of data, specified in bytes, that a computer or communications device can receive in a single TCP segment. ——from wiki


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